Islam and contraceptives
Islam and Contraceptives are generally allowed in Islam to prevent the fertilization of the egg. Destruction of an already fertilized egg crosses the line. Therefore, abortion pills and such have been declared forbidden by modern Islamic scholars. The entire process after fertilization is considered sacred, as the following passage from the Qur’an illustrates:
“O People! If you have any doubts about the Resurrection, [consider] that We created you out of dust, then out of sperm, then out of a clinging thing, then out of a morsel of flesh—partly formed and partly unformed in order that We may make clear [Our Power] to you. We cause whom We will to rest in the womb for an appointed term then We bring you out as babies then [foster you] so you can reach your age of full strength. Some of you are called to die early and some are sent back to the feeblest old age so that you know nothing after having known . Quran 22:5
When Is a Fetus a Person?
When is a fetus considered a full-fledged person in Islam? This is determined by when it gets a soul. The Prophet Muhammad explained that after 120 days an angel comes to the baby in the womb and breathes the soul into it. Then the angel begins to write in a book, which will become that person’s book of deeds.
The four things that this angel writes are: Will he or she be rich or poor, will the person be happy or sad, how long will the person live, and what will be his or her preferred type of deeds? The answers to these questions are not predetermining the person’s fate, however, but merely taking a notation of the future, which God sees as well as He sees the present and the past.
“The Measurement of Life.”
Although it may seem strange to count our time in the womb as a stage of life, it is that some babies do not survive their time in the womb because of God’s will and that this is a test for us. According to Islam, all children who die prematurely will go to Heaven.
The Prophet even taught that if a person loses two children and bears their loss with patience, The person will be saved from Hellfire on the Day of Judgment.
The pre-Islamic Arabs had many superstitions about how pregnancy was caused, just as many other civilizations have also had ideas that were outlandish and incorrect. The Qur’an explains the process of fertilization, development, and birth of the fetus in great detail. However, you will not find a single passage or group of passages that lay out the stages all in one listing. The Quranic method of teaching is often based on presenting a religious idea, then giving a proof from nature that only God could have known at the time, and finally reiterating the principle introduced.
This following of the Qur’an provides a good example:
“By the sun and its radiance, and the moon as it reflects, by the day as it reveals, and the night as it covers up. By the cosmos and He Who built it, and the Earth and He Who spread it, and by the soul and He Who perfected it, and gave to it innate knowledge of right and wrong. By the same token know that whoever purifies his soul shall prosper, while whoever corrupts it shall fail.” (Qur’an 91:1–9)
By first calling on signs in nature, we are introduced to the idea that in a world full of opposites our soul can also be good or bad. Statements that refer to fetal development in the Qur’an, then, are there to give proof to religious concepts. The very first chapter that was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad, while he was meditating in a mountain cave in the year 610 C.E it was said, “Read in the Name of your Lord Who created humans from a clinging [zygote].” (Qur’an 96:1–2) .