Frequently asked questions

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What is Integrated Medicine?

The concept of “Integrated Medicine” is better recognised in the US than in the United Kingdom, those doctors who were trained in UK does not know much about it, but a conference in London recently, organised by the Royal College of Physicians and the US National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, may help to raise its profile in the UK. British Society of Integrated Medicine already formed in UK. Please see:

Where can I read about chelation?

The concept of “Integrated Medicine” is better recognised in the US than in the United Kingdom, those doctors who were trained in UK does not know much about it, but a conference in London recently, organised by the Royal College of Physicians and the US National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, may help to raise its profile in the UK. British Society of Integrated Medicine already formed in UK. Please see:

Is there any recent research works done?

The concept of “Integrated Medicine” is better recognised in the US than in the United Kingdom, those doctors who were trained in UK does not know much about it, but a conference in London recently, organised by the Royal College of Physicians and the US National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, may help to raise its profile in the UK. British Society of Integrated Medicine already formed in UK. Please see:

Where can I learn Chelation therapy?

The concept of “Integrated Medicine” is better recognised in the US than in the United Kingdom, those doctors who were trained in UK does not know much about it, but a conference in London recently, organised by the Royal College of Physicians and the US National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, may help to raise its profile in the UK. British Society of Integrated Medicine already formed in UK. Please see:

Is chelation effective and really works?

The concept of “Integrated Medicine” is better recognised in the US than in the United Kingdom, those doctors who were trained in UK does not know much about it, but a conference in London recently, organised by the Royal College of Physicians and the US National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, may help to raise its profile in the UK. British Society of Integrated Medicine already formed in UK. Please see:

If Chelation therapy is so good why not many doctors use it or recommend it.

The concept of “Integrated Medicine” is better recognised in the US than in the United Kingdom, those doctors who were trained in UK does not know much about it, but a conference in London recently, organised by the Royal College of Physicians and the US National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, may help to raise its profile in the UK. British Society of Integrated Medicine already formed in UK. Please see:

What are the drugs used in chelation therapy?

The concept of “Integrated Medicine” is better recognised in the US than in the United Kingdom, those doctors who were trained in UK does not know much about it, but a conference in London recently, organised by the Royal College of Physicians and the US National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, may help to raise its profile in the UK. British Society of Integrated Medicine already formed in UK. Please see:

Are there any side effects by Chelation therapy?

The concept of “Integrated Medicine” is better recognised in the US than in the United Kingdom, those doctors who were trained in UK does not know much about it, but a conference in London recently, organised by the Royal College of Physicians and the US National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, may help to raise its profile in the UK. British Society of Integrated Medicine already formed in UK. Please see:

Are there any medical centres in USA and UK practiciing "Integrated Medicines" ?

The concept of “Integrated Medicine” is better recognised in the US than in the United Kingdom, those doctors who were trained in UK does not know much about it, but a conference in London recently, organised by the Royal College of Physicians and the US National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, may help to raise its profile in the UK. British Society of Integrated Medicine already formed in UK. Please see:

Do you guarantee that chelation can cure diseases?

The concept of “Integrated Medicine” is better recognised in the US than in the United Kingdom, those doctors who were trained in UK does not know much about it, but a conference in London recently, organised by the Royal College of Physicians and the US National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, may help to raise its profile in the UK. British Society of Integrated Medicine already formed in UK. Please see:

What is the cost of the treatment in our medical centre in Malaysia.

The concept of “Integrated Medicine” is better recognised in the US than in the United Kingdom, those doctors who were trained in UK does not know much about it, but a conference in London recently, organised by the Royal College of Physicians and the US National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, may help to raise its profile in the UK. British Society of Integrated Medicine already formed in UK. Please see:

Do you use high dose of Vitamin C intravenously?

The concept of “Integrated Medicine” is better recognised in the US than in the United Kingdom, those doctors who were trained in UK does not know much about it, but a conference in London recently, organised by the Royal College of Physicians and the US National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, may help to raise its profile in the UK. British Society of Integrated Medicine already formed in UK. Please see:

What are the conditions treated with Hyperbaric Oxygen?

The concept of “Integrated Medicine” is better recognised in the US than in the United Kingdom, those doctors who were trained in UK does not know much about it, but a conference in London recently, organised by the Royal College of Physicians and the US National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, may help to raise its profile in the UK. British Society of Integrated Medicine already formed in UK. Please see:


The concept of “Integrated Medicine” is better recognised in the US than in the United Kingdom, those doctors who were trained in UK does not know much about it, but a conference in London recently, organised by the Royal College of Physicians and the US National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, may help to raise its profile in the UK. British Society of Integrated Medicine already formed in UK. Please see:

What is ECP therapy?

The concept of “Integrated Medicine” is better recognised in the US than in the United Kingdom, those doctors who were trained in UK does not know much about it, but a conference in London recently, organised by the Royal College of Physicians and the US National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, may help to raise its profile in the UK. British Society of Integrated Medicine already formed in UK. Please see:

Are Integrative therapies for Cancer guaranteed for cure?

The concept of “Integrated Medicine” is better recognised in the US than in the United Kingdom, those doctors who were trained in UK does not know much about it, but a conference in London recently, organised by the Royal College of Physicians and the US National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, may help to raise its profile in the UK. British Society of Integrated Medicine already formed in UK. Please see: